1000 Pioneers for AI in Greece
We train the 1000 Pioneers in Artificial Intelligence in Greece
We innovate with a focus on Humanity

The project is implemented by the Non-Profit Organization Science For You – SciFY and the ahedd Digital Innovation Hub platform of the NCSR "Demokritos" with the support of US Embassy in Athens and the Public Benefit Foundation John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation.

Who will be the 1000 pioneers?
The trained community will consist of members of all professional categories.
Priority will initially be given to the following target groups:
Business | Business executive
Entrepreneurs, Senior executives of private companies, IT Executives
Policy maker
Policy Planners, Politicians, Think Tanks, Senior Ministry Executives
Civil society
NGO Executives, Social Enterprise Executives
Technologist and Scientist
IT executives, IT students, employees of technology companies, science researchers
Humanities scientist
Social / Political Scientists
Educators | Students
Middle/High School, Students of Business, IT, Political Sciences, Social Sciences
Why do we need the 1000 pioneers for AI in Greece?
- AI is already changing our present and our future with applications in every field.
- AI skills and knowledge boost demand for relevant professionals.
- Companies that effectively use AI can innovate and profit from this situation. If they do not know how, or if they are late, the consequences can be adverse.
- New practices for the development of ethical AI systems are emerging in the technical field.
- The dialogue opens and is significantly strengthened, but also the political will for the formation of AI in a human-centered, ethical way and with the aim of the "AI for good". But this commitment at the EU level will be useless if the public does not participate in the democratic processes that will emerge to fulfill the vision of the declaration and the action plans.
Therefore, we can use AI in time and win, or let others do it before us. We can co-create AI so that we have control over our lives, or let others do it without us.
The choice is clear, the opportunity is great and the time is now.
Join us in the community of 1000 pioneers

I want to sponsor the effort
Sponsorship of such an effort offers great benefits to society and the sponsor.
Frequently Asked Questions
An initiative of SciFY for the creation of an active community of 1000 Pioneers in Greece that will know and will be able to:
- co-create anthropocentric Artificial Intelligence (AI),
- use Artificial Intelligence to innovate
creating a better future for all.
This community will be:
- trained through an innovative program
- networked and will become the seed that will be able to mobilize forces and collaborations in key sectors of the economy and society using the latest technological developments.
The project includes:
- The training of the 1000 pioneers
- The website “AI in Greece”, which will be the central point of reference. It will inform about the development and the achievements of the 1000 Pioneers for AI in Greece, it will also include articles about AI, educational content etc.
- The creation of a supportive community of researchers, experts, consultants, etc. (from Greece and abroad) who will have the knowledge, motivation and ability to contribute with their knowledge and support services. This enhances the sustainability of the project.
- The networking platform of the "1000".
The training will combine theory with encouragement for practical application. It will be specially designed for each different target group, and will include:
Theoretical training (attending seminars, books)
Αction: initiating at least one action, or participating in at least one other party’s initiative (eg participating in a consultation).
The training of the 1000 will take place in the span of 3 years, with the aim of training 200 people in the first year, 300 in the second and 500 in the third.
The project is implemented by the Non-Profit Organization Science For You - SciFY, with the support of the ahedd Digital Innovation Hub of NCSR "Demokritos" and the U.S. Embassy in Athens.
- Because SciFY has trained over 1,500 people in AI to date.
SciFY has been training business executives, students, pupils, teachers in Artificial Intelligence since 2018. Through SciFY Academies, special training programs for companies, co-organization of international conferences (eg SETN 2020, MultiLing), workshops (eg AI in Natural Sciences and Technology), training of students and teachers and of course by collaborating with organizations such as NCSR "Demokritos" , the Museum of “Herakleidon” and “Innovathens”, SciFY has already trained hundreds of people.
- Because SciFY is a pioneer in AI.
SciFY participates in the “DIGITAL SME Focus Group on AI”, the initiative of the European Commission “AI Watch” and the European DIGITAL SME Alliance consisting of almost 40 AI experts representing companies from all over Europe. Also SciFY is included in the pioneers in the field of Artificial Intelligence in Greece by Boston Consulting Group (BCG).
- Because SciFY develops AI applications and solutions.
SciFY develops free solutions for the general public but also specialized solutions for organizations and businesses, which are utilized daily.
- Because SciFY works closely with organizations that promote AI.
SciFY collaborates closely with NCSR "Demokritos" and the Hellenic Society of Artificial Intelligence (EETN). SciFY also is part of the technology park "Lefkipos" of NCSR "Demokritos", an extremely active innovation ecosystem.
NCSR "Demokritos", with the significant experience in AI Research and Development, the initiatives for ΑΙ (founding member of the “Hellenic Society of Artificial Intelligence - ΕΕΤΝ” in 1988, member of the “European organization for ΑΙ - EurAI” since 1992, the creation of the “Center of Excellence for AI” with EY Global in 2019) and active participation in the co-creation of the National Strategy for AI, plays a key role in forming and implementing the program, through the “Digital Innovation Hub - ahedd”. More specifically, NCSR "Demokritos" participates:
- In education: NCSR-D co-creates the educational program and participates by providing trainers, specialized in AI,
- In networking: The networking developed by NCSR "Demokritos" with organizations in Greece and abroad, with Innovation Centers, European Projects, etc., but also through the Digital Innovation ecosystem of ahedd, brings added value to the Pioneers,
- With the experience gained by the implementation of numerous AI projects.
There are 2 basic types of training:
- the training of executives of an organization, which is done on demand, in small groups and is paid for, and
- the training of citizens groups, which takes place in larger groups, periodically, and which we intend to be free / at a very low cost (up to 50 euros), following expected sponsorships by companies / organizations. We are already in contact with companies and organizations to support the project.
Businesses and organizations have the opportunity to invest in the training of their staff, provide citizen education in the context of Corporate Social Responsibility or combine both. Contact us to discuss the alternatives.
Τhe creation of an active community of 1000 active citizens who will:
In order to understand our world and their choices better:
- They will have acquired a first clear picture of what AI is and what it is not, what possibilities it has and what challenges it brings, how it affects our present and our future,
- They will be able to transfer their knowledge to their field of action,
- They will know how they can act to participate in the co-creation of AI in their professional field and daily life.
to introduce innovations, to co-create, to promote knowledge:
- They will be able to plan changes in their professional field using AI. (eg. How can I use AI in my Business to achieve my business goals better? How can I organize a TN information event at my school?),
- They will take initiatives related to the use and co-creation of AI,
- They will participate in consultations for AI,
They will be connected with each other to evolve and develop partnerships and synergies.
Be updated
to actively participate in the formation and evaluation of AI:
- They will have access to educational content to which they can also contribute,
- They will be informed about developments, seminars, etc.
Have visibility and inspire
to motivate and enhance the participation of their fellow citizens in the knowledge and co-creation of the AI landscape:
- Their contribution will be made public if they wish. In this way, they strengthen their professional profile and inspire others.
The ultimate goal is the co-creation and use of AI to increase the impact primarily in the following areas:
In the daily life of citizens: understanding of how AI works, avoiding unjustified fear caused by fake news, participating in consultations about AI.
In the economy: Undertaking business initiatives, creating new services, increasing innovation, creating competitive advantages.
In the policy making for AI: Information on AI issues, assistance in the creation of an appropriate regulatory framework, protection of citizens' rights, strengthening of entrepreneurship through the use of AI.
In the impact of Civil Society actions: Using tools for the strengthening of Democracy, pluralism and the protection of citizens' rights.
In the preparation of young scientists who will use AI, regardless of their field of knowledge.
In strengthening the tools and the role of the Digital Humanities.
In better formulation and more effective implementation of the National Strategy for AI, which is ongoing.